Talent mobility and acquisition

  • Talent Mapping and Market Research: Conducting market research to identify talent pools, skill gaps, salary benchmarks, and recruitment trends in the new geography.
  • Recruitment and Staffing Services: Assisting with recruitment efforts by sourcing, screening, and interviewing candidates, helping employers identify and hire the right talent for their needs.
  • Candidate Relocation Services: Providing support to candidates relocating to the new geography, including assistance with immigration, visa processing, housing arrangements, and cultural orientation.
  • Employer Branding and Marketing: Developing employer branding strategies to attract top talent to the new location, including advertising, social media campaigns, and employer branding events.
  • Onboarding and Integration: Supporting the onboarding process for new hires, including orientation, training, and integration into the company culture and team.
  • Talent Development and Training: Offering training and development programs to help employees acquire new skills, adapt to new roles, and excel in their careers in the new geography.
  • Retention Strategies: Developing retention strategies to ensure that employees remain engaged and motivated in the new location, including career development opportunities, recognition programs, and employee wellness initiatives.
  • Compliance and Legal Support: Ensuring compliance with local employment laws, regulations, and immigration requirements, providing guidance on employment contracts, work permits, and other legal matters.
  • Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs): Offering support services to employees and their families, including counseling, relocation assistance, and cultural adjustment support.
  • Vendor Management: Coordinating with other vendors and service providers involved in talent acquisition and mobility, such as relocation agencies, immigration consultants, and employment lawyers.
  • Data and Analytics: Providing data-driven insights and analytics to help employers make informed decisions about talent acquisition, retention, and workforce planning in the new geography.
  • Ongoing Support and Consultation: Offering ongoing support and consultation to employers on talent management strategies, workforce planning, and market dynamics in the new geography.