Entity formations/ expansions

  • Market Research and Analysis: Conduct market research to help employers understand the business environment, competitive landscape, regulatory requirements, and potential opportunities in the new geography.
  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Assistance with navigating legal and regulatory requirements for establishing a new entity, including company registration, tax obligations, employment laws, and compliance with industry-specific regulations.
  • Tax and Financial Advisory Services: Providing guidance on tax implications, structuring financial operations, establishing banking relationships, and managing financial risks associated with operating in a new geography.
  • Real Estate and Facilities Management: Help in finding suitable office space or manufacturing facilities, negotiating leases or purchases, and managing property-related matters.
  • Human Resources and Recruitment: Support with hiring local staff, understanding labor laws and regulations, establishing HR policies and procedures, and managing payroll and benefits administration.
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Assistance with setting up distribution networks, identifying local suppliers, managing transportation and logistics, and optimizing supply chain operations.
  • Technology and Infrastructure Setup: Guidance on IT infrastructure requirements, setting up networks, selecting software systems, and ensuring data security and compliance with local regulations.
  • Cultural and Language Training: Providing cultural orientation and language training to help employees adapt to the new environment and communicate effectively with local stakeholders.
  • Government Relations and Stakeholder Engagement: Facilitating interactions with government agencies, industry associations, and other stakeholders to build relationships, address regulatory concerns, and foster a positive reputation in the new geography.
  • Ongoing Support and Consulting Services: Offering ongoing support and consulting services to help employers navigate challenges, optimize operations, and sustain growth in the new geography.